STEM Research Projects
These projects are a sample of some of the research we conducted in the STEM academy. I picked topics I found interesting and wished to learn more about to base my research around. We had to write proposals detailing our reasoning behind picking these topics, as well as documenting our research process in journals. This all accumulated to a final project which we presented in class!
Studying pandemics is crucial to preventing future medical outbreaks. This is why I chose this topic to research. By looking at pandemics through the scope of history and relatively comparing them, I was able to illustrate how crucial prevention methods are for the healthcare community.
In a society where climate change is becoming an increasingly controversial subject, I focused my research on the reasons why this topic is so prevalent in our modern world and how it not only affects our planet but our health as humans.
AP Biology Labs
My AP Biology class was one of my favorite courses in high school. I loved the material we were learning and the rigorous pace of the class kept it engaging and interesting. I truly grew as a student and learned to challenge myself in such a demanding environment. Below are some of the labs that we had to conduct, and the subsequent reports that we put together. My AP Bio class was especially interesting because it was open to only the STEM academy cohort members, and so, there were only four of us in the whole class. This definitely added to the rigor and gave us many more responsibilities, but also it provided us with a deeper understanding of the material.

AP Biology Research Project
Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
We incorporated dissection reports of various vertebrates and invertebrates.
AP Biology Research Project
Animal Kingdom
We researched the animal kingdom and put together a presentation.
AP Biology Course Portfolio
This document catalogs and showcases all my significant works in AP Bio and also depicts every unit and topic we learned.
Social Experiment Research Project
We tested the effect of mob mentality in social media through this social experiment.

AP English Language
and Composition Sourcebook Project
I researched an area of interest, healthcare, in AP Lang and put together a sourcebook in which I analyzed numerous articles and images for the rhetorical situation, claim, evidence, style, reasoning and organization, etc.